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Houston Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Every patient may have a different goal when considering rhinoplasty (nose job) or nose surgery.  You may be seeking to reduce a nasal hump or bump, make a crooked nose straight, narrow a wide nose, refine a bulbous tip, or rotate a tip that hangs down to much.  You might also have breathing problems due to a deviated septum, large turbinates, or valve collapse.  Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries by Houston facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Etai Funk.  Dr. Funk focuses not only on improving the appearance and proportion of your nose but also enhancing facial harmony and self-confidence.  The American Society of Plastic Surgeons states that most plastic surgeons perform on average 11 rhinoplasties per year.  As one of of Houston's top rhinoplasty surgeons, board certified surgeon Dr. Etai Funk performs over 100 rhinoplasties in Houston per year for both cosmetic and functional purposes.


Rhinoplasty, though a common procedure these days, requires an exacting knowledge of the structure and the function of the nose. Some believe that rhinoplasty is the most difficult type of plastic surgery simply because every nose is different. In addition, there are close to 200 types of maneuvers, grafts, and suturing techniques described to change the shape of the nose. This organ possesses three-dimensional qualities that must be respected and maintained. The intricacies and nuances of rhinoplasty can be overwhelming and a surgeon must be well trained in this specialty.

Is Rhinoplasty worth it?

This is a question that many patients likely ask themselves.  Is rhinoplasty worth the one week recovery?  Is it worth the discomfort postoperatively?  Is it worth the cost?  Is it worth the risk of undergoing surgery?  Ultimately, this is a question you must answer yourself.  However, many of Dr. Funk's patients have stated that they had wished they had the surgery long earlier after realizing how much they loved their new nose and how tolerable the postop period was.  When shown their result, may of Dr. Funk's patients have said, "In my mind, this is the nose I always thought I had".  Dr. Funk has had many patients cry and shed tears of joy at 8 days after their tape is removed as their nose had caused them such angst and insecurity throughout their lives.  He has seen teenage girls develop significantly more confidence postoperatively and other patients have stated they never feel shy in front of the camera or are afraid of getting a profile photo taken.  Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping is a surgery that has changed the lives of many of Dr. Funk's patients.  

What will my rhinoplasty consultation be like with Dr. Funk?

Dr. Funk will sit down and thoroughly discuss your cosmetic concerns and goals for rhinoplasty.  He will ask questions regarding any breathing or internal nose issues you may have.  Dr. Funk will then examine your nose (both inside and out!) and explain why you may be having breathing issues due to a deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, or valve collapse.  Photographs will then be taken and you will review these with Dr. Funk extensively.  Digital rendering of what your nose may look like after surgery will be performed to your liking.  This will allow you to get an idea of what rhinoplasty can do for you and of Dr. Funk's aesthetic sense.  Rest assured, you will have plenty of time to sit down, discuss things at length, and feel comfortable with Dr. Funk. 

Rhinoplasty Before & Afters 

Rhinoplasty for a crooked nose on this Houston resident brought attention to the eyes and lips rather than the nose. Taking down a small hump with nose surgery created a softer and more feminine nose.

Best Rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston

Top Nose Surgeon in Houston

This Texas resident was a mouth breather as one can see on her frontal photograph.  She had a deviated nasal septum which was corrected with septoplasty.  Rhinoplasty was also performed taking down her dorsal hump, rotating her nasal tip, and refining the nose in general to create a softer more feminine appearing nose.

A bulbous or ill defined nasal tip may be a common reason to seek rhinoplasty or nose job surgery as this patient desired.  Notice how much more defined her nose is and how the light from the flash reflects more sharply along her bridge after her nose surgery.  Her nose is now elegant, softer, and more feminine.

Top Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Texas

Best Nose Surgeon in Texas 

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery was performed to straighten this crooked nose and create a more feminine softer profile.  

Nose Job Houston

Nose Surgery Houston

This patient had a very crooked nose with a knuckled tip.  The nostrils were too large and flared.  She had a small nasal hump.  The nasal tip was overrotated.  Rhinoplasty not only corrected these issues but also corrected her deviated septum with septoplasty.

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Houston

Best Nose Surgeon in Houston

Deviated septum surgery Houston

This patient felt like she always had a "Rudolph" nose with a bulbous tip and assymetric nostrils.  She felt her nose was too long and did not like her nasal hump.  Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery was performed which also corrected her deviated septum.

Best nose surgeon in Houston

Deviated Septum Surgery Houston

Rhinoplasty was performed on this patient with a very short nose whose tip was too rotated.  Notice the assymetry in the nostrils due to a deviated septum.  Septoplasty or deviated septum surgery was performed in addition to the rhinoplasty.

Top Nose Surgeon Houston

Rhinoplasty Houston

Septoplasty for deviated septum Houston

This patient had a crooked nose and a nasal hump.  Rhinoplasty and septoplasty were performed to create a more aesthetically pleasing nose and fix a deviated septum.  Best rhinoplasty surgeon Houston

Nose Job Houston

Deviated Septum Surgery Houston

Rhinoplasty and septoplasty for a deviated septum were performed for this patient with a crooked nose, nasal hump, and uneven nostrils.

Rhinoplasty for a Crooked Nose

Nose Job Houston

Best rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston


This patient had a crooked nose that was too long with a hump on profile.  She had a deviated septuma and had difficulty breathing as well.  Rhinoplasty and septoplasty (deviated septum surgery) were performed to creat a straighter, softer, and yet natural nose.  

Rhinoplasty before and after Houston

Nose job Houston

Deviated septum surgery corrected and helped this patient's breathing while rhinoplasty improved her nasal hump and rotated her droopy tip.  Notice how her crooked nose has been straightened and her mouth is now closed on the profile image.  She is breathing more through her nose.  Many patients who have breathing issues elect to have cosmetic improvement to their nose at the same time of septoplasty.  

Rhinoplasty Houston

Best rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston


 Rhinoplasty was performed on this patient in addition to otoplasty or ear pinning.  Notice the irregularities to the nose on the frontal view and how the light reflects more sharply off her nose after surgery.  Once her ears were pinned and better lines were created for her nose after nose surgery, her eyes surely stand out more.

Rhinoplasty and Ear Pinning in Houston

Top Nose Surgeon in Texas

Nose Surgery straightened this very crooked nose and also created a more feminine and softer nose by removing the nasal hump.  Notice how much more you appreciated her eyes in the frontal "after" photo.  A good nose job is seen in the eyes, not in the nose.

Best Nose Surgeon in Texas

Nose Job Houston

Rhinoplasty was performed for this patient with a bulbous nasal tip, nasal hump or bump, and a droopy tip.  Notice the nose is more feminine, refined, and elegant with a natural and not a nose job like appearance.

Top Nose Surgeon in Texas

Best Doctor for Nose Surgery in Houston


Ethnic rhinoplasty or nose surgery was performed on this patient creating better lines to the nose, removing the nasal hump, and refining the tip ultimately leading to a more feminine and softer nose.

Top Nose Surgeon in Texas

Nose Job Houston

This patient with a crooked nose, nasal hump, and droopy tip underwent rhinoplasty or nose surgery.  Notice a more feminine nose with a natural unoperated appearance.  She also underwent otoplasty at the same time.

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Texas

Top nose surgeon Houston

Notice the improvement in this patient's "lines" of her nose after rhinopolasty or a nose job.  Her nose looks more uniform, more feminine, and fits her face.  Her eyes are accentuated now as the focus is off of her nose.  

Nose Job Houston

Nose Surgery Houston

This patient underwent rhinoplasty with Botox injections to her forehead.  Notice the improvement in the width and definition of her nose.

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Texas

Top Nose Surgeon in Texas

This patient presented with a desire to straighten her crooked nose with rhinoplasty or nose surgery.  A crooked nose can be one of the most difficult things to correct with rhinoplasty as cartilage has memory and wants to move back to its original position.  Notice the refinement of the nose on profile as well.

Nose Surgery for Crooked Nose in Houston

Nose Surgery Houston

Am I a candidate for non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty or reshaping the nose using filler such as Restylane, Juvederm, or Radiesse has gained popularity but is not highly recommended by Dr. Funk.  Unlike other areas of the face where we lose volume (cheeks, temples, etc.), the nose is not an area where this occurs.  Fillers can lead to irregularities and permanent scarring that make surgery quite difficult.  Fillers in the nose will not improve any of the airway issues patients may have.  The only time Dr. Funk may recommend fillers is if the patient is not a good surgical candidate due to medical reasons or if a very minor touch up or depression is needed to be filled after surgery.

Rhinoplasty or nose job refines the nasal tip and provides a more feminine profile.  Notice how the light refelcts off her nose more sharply on the frontal view.

Nose Surgery Houston

Rhinoplasty Expert Houston

This patient had an obvious nasal valve collapse on the right and a long nose with a crooked pointy tip.  Notice how much more natural and refined her nose appears in the after photos and how rhinoplasty has made her eyes shine that much more.

Nasal Valve Collapse Houston

Top Nose Surgeon Houston

Nose Job Houston

This patient had a pinched nose with a nasal hump.  Notice how the light is accentuated over the bridge of her nose.  After rhinoplasty, the light reflex is sharpest over the tip of the nose.  

Nose Surgery Houston, TX

Nose Job in Houston

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery for a crooked nose, uneven nostrils, and a nasal hump.  

Top Nose Surgeon Houston

Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Houston

Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty for Uneven Nostrils

How do I pick a good rhinoplasty surgeon?

Choosing the right surgeon may be difficult for any procedure you are considering.  However, rhinoplasty or cosmetic nose surgery can be one of the most complex types of plastic surgery.  You are dealing with a facial structure that clothing cannot hide after surgery.  The nose is not just composed of soft tissue and skin like the breast, abdomen or eyes.  There is also cartilage and bone that needs to be addressed.  Not to mention the functional or breathing aspect of the nose that must be respected if not improved.  It is important to seek a surgeon who not only understands how to attain an aesthetically pleasing nose, but maintain a good nasal airway and breathing.  It is important to ask your surgeon how many nose jobs they perform per year and how comfortable they are with YOUR nose.  You should see eye to eye with your surgeon regarding expectations for your outcome and review digital imaging with him or her.  You should be able to review their before and after photographs, appreciate the changes made,  and find a nose similar to your own.  In the end, this is your face and you should feel most comfortable with the surgeon that is taking it in his/her hands.


This patient underwenet functional and cosmetic nose surgery.  Notice the nose was made shorter and the tip rotated.  

Nose Surgery Houston

Top nose surgeon houston

Rhinoplasty Houston

Nose Job Houston

 Top Nose Surgeon Houston

Nose Job in  Houston

Scar from Rhinoplasty

How is a Crooked Nose Fixed with Rhinoplasty?

A crooked nose is one of the hardest types of noses to fix with surgery or rhinoplasty.  Cartilage has memory and wants to move back to its original position.  A nose job for a crooked nose needs to incorporate grafts, suture maneuvers, controlled fractures of the nasal bones, and most important - a good surgical plan.  Most noses will remain straight after surgery, however, the healing process is never predictable.  Dr. Funk always promises his patients that their nose will be perfectly straight on the operating room table, but can only promise a "straighter" nose long term.

This patient had a crooked nose and a nasal hump with a droopy tip.  Although her nose is now wider than it was before surgery, it is straight and fits her face appropriately.  Your eye is drawn to her nose in the before where as in the after photo, one can appreciate her eyes and hair.  

Crooked Nose Surgery Houston

Deviated Septum Surgery Houston


This patient had a very crooked nose with a crooked nasal tip.  Rhinoplasty corrected this crooked nose.  She also desired her hump taken down and given her heritage or background of likely northern European origin, we were able to make a gentle sloop look natural for her.

Rhinoplasty in Houston\

Top Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Houston

This patient had a severely deviated septum and a crooked nose.  Septoplasty or deviated septum surgery was performed in addition to rhinoplasty. 

Rhinoplasty for deviated septum in Houston

Nose job for crooked nose in Houston

Will Rhinoplasty help my breathing?

Rhinoplasty can address breathing issues that you may have.  Dr. Funk is board certified in Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery as well so is fully capable of identifying and treating nasal breathing problems.  Cosmetic rhinoplasty alone will not improve your breathing, but nasal airway obstruction can be treated while making changes to the appearance of the nose.  

This patient desired a modest hump reduction with rhinoplasty and wanted to keep a strong straight profile.  

Top Nose Surgeon Houston 

Deviated Septum Surgery Houston



Does Rhinoplasty treat a Deviated Septum too?

The septum is the wall that separates the two sides of the nose and is composed of cartilage and bone.  Deviated septum surgery is commonly combined with rhinoplasty or a nose job.  You may have breathing problems due to a deviated septum that can be corrected with septoplasty.  The downtime or recovery after deviated septum surgery is the same as rhinoplasty and septoplasty should not cause any more pain, bleeding, or issues than rhinoplasty alone.  


If I have a deviated septum, will insurance pay for my rhinoplasty?

This is a common question asked by many of our patients.  Depending on your benefits (deductible, etc.), insurance will pay for a certain portion of the functional components of your rhinoplasty such as septoplasty or turbinate reduction if you have breathing problems.  Insurance will not pay for any cosmetic changes made to the shape of the nose.  However, utilizing insurance for the functional part of your surgery will fray a good portion of your cosmetic costs for Dr. Funk's fees, the facility, and anesthesia.  

Deviated Septum surgery Houston

Top Nose Surgeon in Houston

Nose surgery for uneven nostrils

How does nose surgery or rhinoplasty work?

Rhinoplasty or a nose job is a very intricate type of surgery performed either by facial plastic surgeons or plastic surgeons.  With rhinoplasty, the bone and cartilage under the skin is carved, contoured, grafted, and shaped to an aesthetically pleasing appearance.  The nose is refined and frequently, the airway is opened to improve breathing.  The skin is then allowed to heal and contract after nose surgery over the new bony and cartilaginous framework.  


This patient had a very crooked nose and a nasal hump.  With rhinoplasty, a natural and more feminine appearing nose is present.  

Rhinoplasty Specialist Houston

Deviated Septum Surgery Houston

This patient not only had nose surgery or rhinoplasty, but elected to have Botox and fillers to soften the appearance of her face.  Those injections, combined with her nose job led to a more natural, youthful, and rejuvenated appearance for her face.

Top Nose Surgeon Houston

Deviated Septum Surgery Houston


Why does the appearance of my nose bother me?

Rarely do we hear comments like, "She has a beautiful nose!".  We are meant to notice people's eyes, lips, and hair.  These are the features we continuously focus our attention to with models, actors, and actresses.  Those of us who do focus on others' noses may be unahppy with our own nose.  This self conscious feeling about our nose may come and go throughout our life, but ultimately will prevail.  Patients seeking rhinoplasty will frequently state during their consultation, "I have never liked my nose".  

Although the nose may sit in the middle of the face, it should really be invisible.  Our attention should not be drawn to the nose.  A nose that is crooked, has a bump or hump, is too long or too wide, or even one that looks operated, can distract from the features we want people to notice like our eyes.  It is said that a a good rhinoplasty is not seen in the nose but in the eyes.  It is important to obtain a natural and unoperated result with rhinoplasty which is something Dr. Funk prides himself on.   



At what age can I have rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery can be performed once the nose has stopped growing and pubescent growth is completed.  This can vary in males and females but is typically between 15-17 years of age.  Rhinoplasty can be performed at any time after that.  As long as you have no medical reasons that would prevent you from undergoing surgery, a nose job or nose surgery can be done at all ages of adulthood.

Nose Surgery Houston

Top Nose Surgeon Houston


Will Rhinoplasty change my smile?

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery should not change your smile significantly.  There are many muscles around the mouth and some interdigitate with the muscles of the nose.  At times, when you smile, the tip of the nose may droop or the nostrils may flare, or they may widen.  Rhinoplasty surgery can address these nasal issues with smiling.  The upper lip may be more apparent after rhinoplasty with smiling if the tip is rotated.  Your smile may feel very tight during the first few weeks after surgery.  This will soften and loosen up over time.  

This patient desired to improve her nasal hump and provide more balance to her face with rhinoplasty or nose surgery in addition to a chin implant

Rhinoplasty Houston

Nose surgery Houston  

 Rhinoplasty before and after by Houston surgeon Dr. Funk.  This patient also had a septoplasty for a deviated septum and sinus surgery for sinusitis.

Nose job Houston by Dr. Funk

Rhinoplasty Houston Before and Afters

Nose Surgery Houston


What is recovery like after Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is NOT a painful procedure.  Patients will describe it as being uncomfortable for the first two days and by day three they start feeling better.  Many of Dr. Funk's patients will only take one prescribed pain pill and some require none!  

Dr. Funk DOES NOT USE PACKING after rhinoplasty.  Dr. Funk feels that by using good surgical technique and controlling the blood pressure during and after surgery, packing is not needed.  Packing can lead to more pain and discomfort for patients and is frequently unnecessary.

You may have a small amount of bruising and swelling around the eyes after surgery.  Dr. Funk's regimen of herbal remedies and cold Swiss therapy gel masks helps decrease this after nose surgery.  

Recovery is eight days.  On day six after surgery, Dr. Funk will remove your cast and some stitches.  He will retape your nose and on day eight after surgery he will remove that tape and all the stitches.  You are social at this point!  Most if not all of your bruising is gone by then.  The nose will be swollen at this point but not noticeable to others.  As the months pass by, your swelling will decline.  At 3 weeks, 20-30% of swelling is down.  At 6 weeks 50-60% of swelling has abated.  It will take a full year for all the swelling to subside.  However, most of Dr. Funk's patients are thrilled with the appearance of their once the tape comes off and know it will only get smaller over time.  


Rhinoplasty Before and After Houston Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Etai Funk

Rhinoplasty Houston before and after

Houston Nose Job

Nose Surgery Houston


What happens when I have my nose surgery?

You will check in at the facility where Dr. Funk performs rhinoplasty and they will start an IV.  Rhinoplasty is done under general anesthesia and takes about 2 hours depending on the complexity of the nose.  Dr. Funk will make a small incision between your nostrils and the rest of the incisions are on the inside of the nose.  When you awaken after your rhinoplasty, you will have a small cast on your nose, a Swiss therapy gel mask over your eyes and a guaze drip pad under your nose to catch any drainage.  Expect discomfort but not a lot of pain after nose surgery.  You may have some bruising under and around your eyes which should resolve within the week.  Once the cast and tape come off, expect to have some swelling.  This will last for weeks, but you WILL see a dramatic improvement after surgery.  As the swelling resolves, your nose will look better and better.  It simply takes time for the skin to readhere and redrape over the new cartilage and bony framework.   


Refining a boxy or bulbous nasal tip with rhinoplasty or nose surgery by Houston facial plastic surgeon Dr. Etai Funk

Bulbous tip Houston 

Best Nose Surgeon Houston


 Can Dr. Funk fix my bulbous tip or wide nostrils?

A bulbous tip or wide base of the nose with wide nostrils is typically due to the shape of the cartilage in the tip.  This nose cartilage can be refined using many techniques.  The nostrils can be narrowed by excising a small amount of triangular skin just inside the nostril in a shadowed area where the scars heal well.  

This patient had a wide nasal base and a bulbous nasal tip.  Notice how her nose looks much more refined and narrowed.

Rhinoplasty Houston

Nose Surgery Houston

Bublous tip nose surgery Houston

What does Rhinoplasty cost?

 This is a common question amongst many rhinoplasty patients.   If you have breathing problems due to a deviated septum, allergies, or repeated sinus infections that require surgery, this portion of your surgery will be paid by your insurance (depending on the extent of your benefits).  This will fray the cost of cosmetic fees  for the facility where Dr. Funk performs surgery and the anesthesia fees.  The majority of their bill will be paid by your insurance company (again, depending on your insurance benefits).  

However, if you are interested in making cosmetic changes to the appearance of your nose such as addressing a hump or bump, refining the tip, making the nostrils smaller, or narrowing the nose, this will not be covered by insurance.  There will be surgeon's, anesthesia, and facility fees for these aesthetic changes that you may desire.  


Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty for Deviated Septum

Rhinoplasty Houston

Rhinoplasty Before and after Houston

Nose Job Before and After Houston



How do I know Dr. Funk is the best rhinoplasty surgeon for me?

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is a personal decision.  The first step is to confirm that surgeon's credentials and assure that they are board certified.  Dr. Funk is double board certified in ear, nose, and throat surgery, and facial plastic surgery.  He can therefore address your breathing issues and any cosmetic concerns you may have.  Next, it is important to read that surgeon's website.  Understand that surgeon's philosophy on rhinoplasty and aesthetics.  In addition, assure that the surgeon has been trained appropriately at the proper instituitions.  Lastly, it is important to review that surgeon's work.  If the photo gallery has 20 before and after photos of breast augmentation and 2 rhinoplasties, they may not be as experienced with rhinoplasty as they are with other procedures.  Assure you like the before and after results for in the rhinoplasty photo gallery.  

The next step is the consultation.  Did you get enough time with the plastic surgeon?  Did you feel comfortable with the surgeon?  Were you confident of their skills and plan for your nose surgery?  Did you like his/her digital enhancement of your nose and did the surgeon do it themselves or a staff member?  Did you feel at ease with the staff and did they explain the quote and your benefits effectively?  Did you leave the surgeon's office excited for your rhinoplasty?  Were all your questions answered?  

It is also important to know how many rhinoplasties per year your surgeon performs.  The average plastic surgeon performs under 20 nose surgeries per year.  Dr. Funk performs close to 150 rhinoplasties per year.  The majority of these are combined functional or breathing with cosmetic surgery.  Nose surgery is Dr. Funk's specialty and he receives many referrals from other plastic surgeons in Houston for difficult rhinoplasty surgeries or complex noses.  


Patient after nose surgery for deviated septum and cosmetic changes.  Patient also underwent chin implant.

Nose Surgery Houston

Rhinoplasty surgeon Houston

Nose job surgeon Houston



Does Dr. Funk perform open or closed rhinoplasty?

Dr. Funk performs both open and closed rhinoplasty in Houston.  He does feel that the open approach allows for better visualization of the bony and cartilaginous framework and allows for more precise graft and suture placement.  This ultimately leads to a more predictable and improved result.  Although there is a little more initial swelling with the open approach, Dr. Funk feels that the final result is well worth the wait to be able to assure you get the outcome you desire from you nose surgery.  The external approach does leave a very small scar between the nostrils, but Dr. Funk has yet to have a patient complaint abou this scar.  He closes this incision meticulously and it is almost completely unnoticeable at one month after rhinoplasty.


Patient before and after nose surgery and correction of deviated septum with septoplasty.

Nose surgery in Houston

Nose job Houston



Is there packing after Rhinoplasty?

Dr. Funk does not use packing after rhinoplasty or nose surgery.  Packing can lead to unnecessary discomfort and pain.  Dr. Funk feels that by using careful surgical technique along with controlling the blood pressure and heart rate effectively, packing can be avoided in almost all cases.  

Is Rhinoplasty permanent? 

Many plastic surgery procedures will require repeat surgeries in the future.  A facelift does not stop the aging process and will last 10-15 years.  Another facelift will likely be needed at that point.  Breast augmentation may require implant exchange every 10 years.  However, the results of a rhinoplasty are permanent.  Once the swelling has completely subsided, the grafts that are placed and scarring that has occurred will be subject to the effects of aging and gravity like the rest of the face and body.  Unless you are unahppy with your result and are desiring revision rhinoplasty, repeat nose surgery is quite rare after a successfull primary rhinoplasty.

 Patient after rhinoplasty, nose surgery, and septoplasty for functional and cosmetic nasal concerns.   

Nose surgery in Houston

Nose Job Houston

Deviated Septum Houston


What kind of result can I expect from Rhinoplasty?

Dr. Funk's prides himself on creating a natural appearing nose after nose surgery.  One that fits your face and blends in easily with your face allowing attention to be drawn to your eyes, hair, and lips.  A nose can distract attention away from these features when it is a crooked nose, has a hump, AND if it looks operated.  The last thing you want is someone looking at you and the first thing they think is "nose job!".  


 Patient with deviated septum and nasal hump before and after rhinoplasty or nose job and septoplasty.

Rhinoplasty expert Houston

Deviated Septum Houston

Best Nose Job Surgeon Houston

Nose Surgery Houston


Will Dr. Funk show me what my nose might look like after surgery during the consultation?

Dr. Funk does perform digital enhancement of your photographs during your consultation.  This will provide you with an idea of what your nose may look like after surgery.  At this time, you can have input as to how you might want your nose to look like.  Dr. Funk will aslo provide his aesthetic opinion and explain what he would be capable of with rhinoplasty. 

 This patient had breathing, crusting, and whistling issues with her nose.  She also desired cosmetic changes to the appearance of her nose.  Rhinoplasty combined with  septal perforation repair was performed and a deviated septum was corrected.   Aesthetic changes were made as seen.


Rhinoplasty Houston


Septal perforation repair Houston


Deviated septum houston


I had a bad nose job.  Can Dr. Funk fix this?

Dr. Funk is a revision rhinoplasty expert in Houston.  20-30% of his rhinoplasties are revisions due to an undesired result from a previous surgery with a different surgeon.  Please go to our revision rhinoplasty page and read about some of our patients issues and results. 


Can Dr. Funk fix my crooked nose?

 A crooked nose due to trauma, pubescent growth, a deviated septum, or misplaced cartilage can distract significant attention from the features of your face you want people to notice.  You do not want people staring at your nose, but want them to concentrate on your eyes, lips, or hair.  A deviated nose or canted nose can be fixed with controlled fractures of the bone and cartilage grafting.

A patient with a crooked nose who desired a much smaller nose with hump reduction.  Sinus surgery was also performed.   

Crooked nose surgery Houston

Best nose surgeon Houston


 Nose surgery or Rhinoplasty for patient with bulbous or boxy tip and nasal hump.  Neck Liposuction also performed.

Nose Surgery Houston

Best Nose Job Surgeon in Houston

Patient who underwent rhinoplasty, septoplasty, and sinus surgery.

Top nose job surgeon Houston

Top Rhinoplasty Surgeon Houston

 Patient after rhinoplasty for nasal hump, droopy nasal tip, and crooked nose. 

Rhinoplasty for bulbous tip

L profile before and after rhinoplasty


Nose surgery or rhinoplasty for bulbous tip and hump.  Septal perforation also repaired.  

Nose surgery Houston

Rhinoplasty Houston


Patient with nasal hump and bulbous tip before and after rhinoplasty with submental liposuction for her neck fullness.

Neck Liposuction Houston

Nose surgery Houston

Patient with severeley deviatated septum requiring septoplasty and sinus surgery.  Rhinoplasty was performed to improve hump and hanging tip.

Rhinoplasty for Deviated Septum

Sinus Surgery Houston

Right profile rhinoplasty patient

Septoplasty Houston



This patient had hump and wide bridge of her nose.  Rhinoplasty was performed to take down her hump and narrow her nose more.nose surgery houston


rhinoplasty houston



This patient had droopy tip that was also boxy.  She had a nasal hump. Rhinoplasty and neck liposuction were performed with natural results.


rhinoplasty surgeon houston

rhinoplasty specialist houston



This patient had a boxy nasal tip and a small hump.  She desired a natural unoperated appearance to her nose.  Nose surgery was performed with natural results.


rhinoplasty surgeon houston, tx

nose job surgeon houston



This patient disliked her crooked nose and did not like her nasal hump.  She felt she had a droopy tip and also felt her nose was too big. Rhinoplasty performed.houston rhinoplasty surgeon


rhinoplasty houston

houston cosmetic surgeon



This patient had a crooked and bulbous nasal tip.  She had a wide bridge of her nose as well.  Rhinoplasty improved these issues.


nose job houston, tx

rhinoplasty surgeon houston

nose surgery houston tx

deviated septum houston tx

 This patient had a crooked nose with a bulbous tip or wide tip and a small hump.  She desired a more feminine nose.  Rhinoplasty was performed with natural results.


houston rhinoplasty & nose jobs


rhinoplasty houston, tx



This patient desired cosmetic and functional changes to her nose with rhinoplasty.  She had a nasal hump which was taken down and a deviated septum which was corrected.  


Rhinoplasty houston for women


Deviated Septum Houston




This patient desired cosmetic and functional changes to her nose with rhinoplasty.  She had a crooked nose with a nasal hump or bump on her bridge.  She also had a deviated septum and valve collapse which was corrected with septoplasty and cartilage grafts.


Houston rhinoplasty for women


Rhinoplasty in Houston


Crooked nose Houston


This patient had previous surgery on her nose and was unhappy with the appearance and her breathing.  She desired a more feminine nose.  Rhinoplasty was performed with natural results and improved breathing through her nose.


Nose surgery Houston TX


Deviated septum surgery Houston TX Rhinoplasty for nasal hump Houston TX 



Rhinoplasty or nose job performed by Houston facial plastic surgeon Dr. Funk.

Rhinoplasty Houston

Nose Job Houston



 Before and after photos of a patient after rhinoplasty or nose job.

 Rhinoplasty before and after photo

Nose surgeon Houston


Patient before and after rhinoplasty for nasal hump and crooked tip.  Otoplasty and Sinus Surgery were also performed.  

Nose Surgery Houston

Sinus Surgery Houston


 Patient with crooked nose and nasal hump and deviated septum.  

Nose job Houston

Nose surgery Houston

Deviated Septum Houston


This patient had a bulbous tip and nasal hump.  Rhinoplasty was performed.


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rhinoplasty houston



This patient had an ill defined nasal tip and wide bridge of her nose. She desired a more feminine nose.  Rhinoplasty was performed with natural results.


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houston rhinoplasty expert




This patient had a crooked nose with a very bulbous tip or wide tip and a hump.  Rhinoplasty and chin implant performed.

houston nose surgery for deviated septum

surgery for deviated septum in houston

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This patient had small nasal hump.  Rhinoplasty was performed.


nose surgery cost houston tx

cost for rhinoplasty in houston tx


Etai Funk is a Houston plastic surgeon specializing in the face. He is a board certified, fellowship trained, facial plastic surgeon. He practices in Houston, Texas treating patients from Katy, Memorial City, Memorial, The Woodlands, Spring Cypress, and Sugarland.  Dr Funk also sees many international patients for plastic surgery in Houston and from all over the US. 





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Funk Facial Plastic Surgery - Etai Funk MD, 10575 Katy Fwy Ste 230, Houston, TX 77024   -   Call 713.636.2757