Houston Rhinoplasty for Teens
Nose Job / Nose Surgery for Teenagers
Dr Etai Funk is double board certified in Facial Plastic Surgery and Ear, Nose, Throat Surgery. One of his area of expertise lies with nasal surgery or rhinoplasty. Many of his teen patients and parents will frequently ask, “How old do you have to be for rhinoplasty or nose job?” Because of the many physical changes a teenager’s face exhibits during adolescence, it is important to understand the developmental anatomy of the face during puberty. Your sinuses continue to grow which expands your face. Your jaw (especially for boys) begins to increase in size. Your nose changes shape and enlarges along with your face which is why many teenagers express displeasure with the appearance of a "big nose".
This teenager desired a smaller nose and underwent rhinoplasty and septoplasty for a deviated septum. Notice that after her nose job surgery she now has a very natural, more feminine, and softer nose.

It is important for a teenager to be mature enough to handle a change to the body image, especially with the face. Rhinoplasty was performed on this patient with a crooked nose, large hump and droopy tip. Notice the change it made in making her eyes, hair, and lips more appealing after nose job surgery.

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery was performed in order to take down the nasal hump, rotate the tip, refine the bulbous nasal tip, and give an overall more feminine and softer nose. Deviated septum surgery was also performed.

This patient underwent rhinoplasty for a large nasal hump, overprojected/counterrotated nasal tip, and a nose that simply did not fit her face. Notice the natural appearance to the nose postoperatively after nose surgery.

Rhinoplasty or a nose job is one of the most common types of plastic surgery for a teenager. This patient's nose looks very natural and blends in with her face so one can appreciate her eyes more.

This patient had an extremely crooked nose which was corrected with nasal surgery. She also had her hump reduced to create a smaller more feminine nose.

This patient desired a straighter nose and wanted her nasal hump removed. Nose surgery or rhinoplasty accomplished this with a smaller more feminine appearing nose. 

This patient had rhinoplasty or nose surgery for a wide nose that overwhelmed her face. She had thick skin and desired a narrower and more sleek nose. Her tip was refined and the overall nose has a much more feminine appearance. Her profile was made softer. Notice how her nose now is not the dominating feature of her face and how natural her result is.
Rhinoplasty or nose surgery helped create a more feminine appearance for this patient by reducing the nasal hump, straightening the nose, rotating the tip, and creating a shorter nose.
Male rhinoplasty is not uncommon in many teens. This patient had a crooked nose with a nasal hump that was corrected with rhinoplasty or nose surgery.

Nose job or rhinoplasty for deviated septum and nasal hump by Houston nose surgeon Dr. Funk

This patient desired cosmetic changes to the appearance of her nose and neck. She felt she had a wide nose and a nasal hump and desired a more feminine appearance with rhinoplasty or nose surgery. Liposuction of the neck was performed as well.

Before and after rhinoplasty or nose surgery.

Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty performed on patient with nasal hump and droopy tip.

Nose surgery for patient with droopy tip and dorsal hump. Open rhinoplasty approach performed.

Nasal hump reduced with rhinoplasty and deviated septum corrected with septoplasty.

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery performed on patient with wide nasal base and tip. This patient desired refinement of the tip and her nasal hump.

If you’re unhappy with your nose, every time you look in the mirror you may notice a droopy tip, crooked nose, or broken nose. On Facebook page photos, all you see is your nasal hump or hook nose. It’s an overwhelming feeling, and one that may easily make you self-conscious. Although your friends and family say your nose is just fine, ultimately it is you who wears it each day. It is you who decides if it is a displeasing feature. This feeling may come and go, but ultimately the uneasiness will typically persist.
Because unhappiness with the appearance of a nose is a common complaint for teenagers and because teenagers represent a significant portion of our practice population, Dr Funk dedicated this page to teenagers interested in rhinoplasty or nose surgery.
The nose, specifically the septum (the wall that separates the two sides of the nose) serves as the focal point or center for midfacial growth. Prematurely disturbing this growth center could lead to abnormal development of the face. Therefore, it is essential that a qualified surgeon evaluate your facial growth and assure that it is an appropriate time to consider a rhinoplasty. Most teenage girls can have rhinoplasty approximately one year after their menarche (first menstrual period). Teenage boys are more variable, but the surgery can typically be performed successfully by age 16.
As long as surgery was performed at the appropriate time, your nose should not continue to grow, but will actually contract. The healing process actually takes an entire year and your nasal skin will slowly contract over the structural framework of bone and cartilage.
Typically, teens can return to a normal workout routine at three weeks and engage in contact sports at six weeks.
On average, most students need about eight days off after surgery.
Winter break and summer are very popular times to have rhinoplasty performed, so it is essential to establish an appointment early in order to obtain a surgical date for these periods of time. Whether you are in Houston, Katy, or Sugarland, TX, call Dr Funk to obtain a professional evaluation of your nose.
Rhinoplasty is not necessarily painful, but a little uncomfortable. The first night after surgery, you experience some discomfort, but very little pain. Each subsequent day you will find you are feeling better and better.
FAQ's Rhinoplasty, Nose Job, for Teenagers
At what age can I have a rhinoplasty or nose job?
It is important to have completed the growth of your midface and nose before pursuing a nose job. Having nose surgery too early may alter the growth of your face and lead to disproportions between your upper, middle, and lower face. This may not be aesthetically pleasing. As a teenager, you must also be ready psychologically for this change in your body image. Some patients do not have the proper expectations or reasons for pursuing this type of surgery. As a general rule though, most teenage girls can have surgery 1-2 years after the first menstrual period. Boys can typically proceed by age 16.
Does a nose job hurt?
Rhinoplasty, or nasal surgery, is not necessarily painful, but is slightly uncomfortable. Pain medications are provided to alleviate any discomfort after surgery if it exsits.
How much time off school for a nose job?
Typically, most patients need 1-2 weeks of rest after a rhinoplasty. Mild bruising, if any, around the eyes should disappear within a week and patients can get back to normal activity at 2 weeks.
Do people notice if you have had a nose job?
Those people who do not know you underwent surgery will not notice a significant change. They may comment on your eyes, hair or lips, but won't be able to put their finger on what is different. Your nose will blend in with your face and provide a natural appearance. Dr Funk prides himself on providing a natural unoperated appearance while improving your breathing. Most importantly, YOU will notice the change!
Etai Funk is a Houston plastic surgeon specializing in the face. He is a board certified, fellowship trained, facial plastic surgeon. He practices in Houston, Texas treating patients from Katy, Memorial City, Memorial, The Woodlands, Spring Cypress, and Sugarland. Dr Funk also sees many international patients for plastic surgery in Houston and from all over the US.